
It’s pretty clear that 2020 was a very, very challenging year for any wedding business.

The photo and video industries rank among those hit the hardest by the measures aimed at curbing the spread of Covid-19. An interesting survey suggests that solely stock photographers haven’t felt the impact of the measures. Of all photographers, 99 percent have been affected by anti-epidemic provisions.

As most of the world is heading towards a second lockdown, it’s becoming pretty clear that businesses need a long-term strategy to survive.

Such a strategy should put a lot of emphasis on marketing and the creative acquisition of new clients.

If you haven’t started working towards such business expansion yet, the time has come to make a move.

Let us check out a few of the best ways to get new clients for your photography or videography studio. These can be employed even at difficult times that are characterized by business slowdowns.


Make Your Website a Primary Communication Channel



Right now, many people would feel uncomfortable to come for a meeting in-person. Work on developing your website as a primary communication channel.

A few key executions will accomplish the goal.

Make sure your website answers all important questions potential videography and photography clients may have – who you are, what services you offer and what styles you feel most comfortable with.

A website will also need to provide an easy way for prospects to get in touch with you – via email, by phone or online chat. Allowing your potential clients to also schedule a video call to discuss the specifics of the project will also work in your favor.

Even service providers who work with clients in person are putting more and more emphasis on digital communication. If you don’t have a functional, modern website, you’re missing on a huge opportunity to attract new customers.

If you don’t know what you’re doing in terms of website development, seeking professional assistance may be the best idea. Paying once for website development or optimization can result in a very high return on investment in the future. In addition, you can explore so many opportunities to have your website created inexpensively. Freelance professionals and overseas companies can do an excellent job while keeping the cost of project execution reasonable.


Go Viral – Videography and Photography Clients Will Find You!


instagram notification

Another way to get new clients involves setting up a viral online presence.

Luckily, that goal can be fairly easy to accomplish. You need a good idea and a digital channel to spread your message.

Very often, you don’t even need incredible production value to reach millions of people.

Here’s a simple example. In July 2019, photographer Hannah Stanley went on an epic Facebook rant against people using their smartphones to snap pictures during weddings. As of today, her picture has attracted more than 218K reactions and over 1.3K comments.

Another excellent example revolves around a videographer whose pro-bono work for minority-owned businesses also helped him go viral across international media.

Sometimes, a fun shot, a commentary or an honest video can pick up speed at an incredibly fast rate. It’s very difficult to predict what kind of publication is going to go viral. The one that does, however, is going to result in lots of new business.

All that you have to do is post often, post consistently and post good content. The more you put your heart and soul in your online presence, the better the outcome is going to be.


Instagram Portfolio Power


Instagram on phone

You have your portfolio displayed loud and clear on your website?

That’s not enough if you want many new photography and videography clients.

If you are targeting younger adults, you need to make your work available on Instagram.

The most visual of all social networks, Instagram can generate a ton of new business when used correctly.

According to statistics, more than half of the global Instagram users are aged under 35. Of these people, six out of 10 users log in on a daily basis. These people browse an average of 53 minutes per day, which makes Instagram as used as Facebook.

The specifics of the audience are not the only reason you should be using Instagram for marketing.

Statistics show that 90 percent of Instagram users follow at least one business or brand account. They use the social network to discover new products, research products and services or decide whether they’d like to test out a product or a service.

Brand Instagram presence isn’t being perceived as spammy or annoying. Rather, most users see posts by companies as creative and fun.

Using these characteristics of the social network can help you reach a very large crowd of people. if you manage to make your publications hip, fun, exciting and innovative, you can easily turn these people into new clients.


Offer Some Promotion


New videography and photography clients may be unwilling to give a business a try unless they’re being offered an additional perk.

Promo and limited time offers are a good idea, especially if you already have a well-established online presence. A significant enough audience will make it easier for you to reach many people with your message.

Promo offers don’t have to offer a massive discount. They should simply “tickle” the curiosity of potential clients and get them excited.

Offering a few free portrait sessions, for example, is an excellent way to build your portfolio. Make sure that the terms and conditions of photo usage will be clearly outlined in the agreement you’ll sign with the client beforehand.

Giving your clients a couple of free extra prints, a digital video trailer/teaser for free or a complementary mini-session (for example – an engagement shot for couples that plan to use you for their wedding) are also excellent ideas.

You can also use promo offers to build your online presence.

Announce a contest with a giveaway via social media. Ask followers to tag someone who can benefit from your services. Such contests provide amazing opportunities for reaching many potential new clients without spending a ton on advertising.


Provide Incentives for Referrals


Do understand the fact that your current clients can turn into your most powerful marketing tool.

Photographers and videographers who do not have a referral program in place need to put one together ASAP!

Word of mouth marketing can get you really far. People trust the recommendations they receive from friends and relatives. And while most people will recommend a service that they really liked, a little incentive can only provide a bit of an additional stimulus.

An incentivized referral program can be carried out in more than one way. Your clients could receive points for each referral they make. A certain number of points will translate into a gift or a discount for them. Alternatively, offer a credit system or a small free gift each time a referral results in a new client.


Expand Your Portfolio with Innovative Services


It’s pretty clear that the world isn’t going to return to its pre-Covid state any time soon.

Thus, anyone looking for new videography and photography clients should plan a portfolio expansion through the addition of some services in line with the situation.

Remote and virtual sessions are becoming more and more popular among numerous client categories. Such sessions are usually organized via a mobile platform and they enable remote shooting assistance. They can be utilized for portrait photography, video interviews and many types of creative work.

The investment in technology isn’t that significant in order to start offering such solutions. Do think about it and craft a couple of different packages. These types of photography and videography services give clients an excellent opportunity to test you out without exposing themselves to any risk.


Do Some Volunteer Work to Attract New Videography and Photography Clients


The viral videographer example listed above shows the power of free work and volunteering your professional time.

Participating in a charity project or volunteering in a community event can really enhance your reputation.

Local events give you a chance to introduce yourself to many new people and show what you’re capable of. And while the return isn’t going to be immediate most of the time, you will eventually get people to contact you because of your participation.

Always ask event organizers if they’ll be ok with you promoting your services during the occasion. Most wouldn’t mind, especially if you are providing professional assistance free of charge.

These are just a few opportunities you can explore right now to sharpen your customer acquisition strategy.

What matters the most with these approaches is thinking long-term.

Sometimes, you will have to give or invest money in an outcome that would come in months from now. And that’s ok. Investing in your reputation and brand are two of the biggest options for the sustainable growth of your business. Take some time to think about the type of client you want to attract. When you go through these considerations, you’ll also determine the best approach and the amount of time that would be required to carry out the strategy / campaign.


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